Industry-Institute Linkage is an essential part of Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET). It is a process of collaboration between educational institutions and industry, which aims to create a mutually beneficial relationship between the two. This partnership provides a platform for the exchange of knowledge and resources and helps to ensure that the skills and competencies taught in the technical school and its programs are up-to-date and relevant to the needs of the industry. Industry-Institute Linkage allows educational institutions to stay abreast of the latest technological advances and industry trends, and to ensure that technical school programs are providing students with the skills and competencies they need to succeed in the workplace. Through this partnership, educational institutions are able to gain access to the latest industry
knowledge, resources, and technology, while industry partners are able to gain access to a pool of highly skilled and qualified graduates.

The benefits of Industry-Institute Linkage extend beyond the classroom, as it helps to create a more productive and efficient workforce. By providing a platform for the exchange of knowledge and resources, it helps to ensure that graduates are prepared for the challenges of the workplace and that industry partners are able to access a pool of highly qualified and skilled graduates.

Industry-Institute Linkage is an important part of Technical and Vocational Education and Training and should be encouraged and supported by both educational institutions and industry partners. By creating a mutually beneficial relationship between the two, it helps to ensure that TVET programs are providing students with the skills and competencies they need to succeed in the workplace, and that industry partners are able to access a pool of highly qualified and skilled graduates.